2022 Hepatology and Gastroenterology Impact Factor & Communications
John Wiley & Sons publishes Hepatology, a peer-reviewed medical journal, monthly. It was founded in 1981 and is a member journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases . Its impact factor measures the quality of published articles. In general, the higher the impact factor, the more prestigious the article. Hepatology's impact factor is determined by the number of citations per article published in the journal. As of 2021, its impact factor is 9.46. It grew by 0.42 percent over the previous year. A journal's impact factor is a measure of its productivity and citation impact. This figure is derived from Scopus data. Journals with more citations, on average, have a higher impact factor than journals with fewer citations. Citation practices, on the other hand, differ by journal and can have an impact on a journal's impact factor. Scientific articles, for example, tend to cite only other scientific articles, whereas clinical articles cite both clinical a...