Gastroenterology Procedures to Anticipate
A gastroenterologist specializes in digestive system disorders and ailments. The problems may impact specific organs or result from digestive system diseases. These disorders are diagnosed and treated using surgical operations, endoscopic procedures, and imaging testing. Listed below are some frequent gastrointestinal procedures . Examples include: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is a form of endoscopy in which a thin, flexible device inspects the stomach and duodenum. It may be used to diagnose gallbladder and liver disorders and assess bile duct pressure. In addition, endoscopy may, in certain instances, be used to treat fecal incontinence. ERCP is a complex procedure that needs specialized training and experience. A long, thin tube, roughly the thickness of a pencil, is inserted through the mouth and duodenum during this surgery. Through this tube, a tiny, illuminated plastic tube called an endoscope is guided into the pancreatic duct and bile duct. The doctor next injects a dye into the...